
Interaction Design (portfolio)

The Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) is a joint entrance exam for post-graduate studies in the field of technological design. The exams are held annually at all Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The examination is hosted by the Industrial Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on behalf of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The CEED is a descriptive test covering a student's logical, creative, observation and drawing skills, tested in particular for admission to various design courses in the fields of product design, industrial design, visual communication, animation graphics, vehicle design and mobility.
Though the eligibility criteria to appear for the CEED is a graduate degree (10,+1,+2) but graduate's who have completed 3 year degree (10,+1,+2) course please note, all listed IITs in the CEED website have their respective eligibility mentioned as 10,+1,+2. Even if in future a student who holds 3 year UG degree but manages to get 1st All India Ranking in CEED exam, they will not be eligible for any of the design related course in IITs.





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